Recipe: Fabulous Feta Pasta

 This Fabulous Feta Pasta recipe is one that my family loves and I'm sure that you'll love it too.

 I first discovered this recipe when I was watching a chef on YouTube (Rosanna Pansino) making different pasta recipes and I saw her making this feta pasta. After watching the episode over and over for some time, I asked my Mom if I could make it. I had already had the recipe lasered into my mind, so I just told her the ingredients and she got them. I made them one night for dinner and my whole family loved it. Even my sister, Sierra, and she hates tomatoes. Ever since then, I've made it for dinner when my family wanted it. 

I've never really followed a recipe because I had watched the episode over and over so I never needed a recipe, so this is my version of it.  

Special tools or ingredients: feta cheese 


2 pints cherry tomatoes

1/2 cup olive oil, plus more to drizzle (I usually don't measure it, so just enough to fill the bottom)

1 8-oz. block feta cheese

10 oz. noodles. You can use a corkscrew or elbow-type (You can add more noodles if you want, but be careful so you don't drown the flavor out!)

Pinch of salt and pepper

A few sprigs of fresh basil (if you don't have fresh basil, you can use dried)

Dried oregano, rosemary, thyme, or any other spices, optional (if you have oregano and basil, you should use it)


8-inch by 12-inch baking pan

Wooden spoon

Liquid measuring cup

Oven mitts

Serving spoon


What are you waiting for? Let's start cookin'!

1. First things first, preheat your oven to 400 before you start cookin'.

2. Now you can get your baking pan out and put the tomatoes, pepper, salt, oregano, and olive oil in. You can mix it with a spoon or with your hands.

3. Then you put the feta block right smack-dab in the middle. Drizzle some olive oil and sprinkle some salt, pepper, and oregano on top of the feta. 

4. Place the pan in the oven and bake for 35 minutes, or until the feta and tomatoes start to sizzle. While the feta is in the oven, boil some water for the noodles and pour the noodles in. When the noodles are ready and tender, drain. 

5. When you take the hot sizzling tomatoes and feta out of the oven, mix the feta and tomatoes together. Pour the noodles into the mixture and mix. Pour half of them in, mix, then pour the rest and mix again.

6. After you mix it, flatten the top and put the fresh basil sprigs on top. Put it in the oven for five minutes, until the basil shrivels a bit. You can skip this step if you want. 

Makes about 6 servings

Now you can serve it and enjoy it for a fancy (or casual!) dinner! I would recommend serving it with steamed broccoli and garlic bread to make it extra fabulous! 

I hope this recipe worked out for you! Enjoy and happy cooking! (Feel free to leave suggestions for recipes in the comments)
